Top 10 industrial dryer brands

No more love songs Ask questions on June 4, 2024-13:17:23
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Based on Baidu's big online data, the top ten industrial dryer brands in 2019 were selected according to brand evaluation and sales volume. The top ten were Fanqun, Yibu, Gongda, Tianli, Honorry, Pioneer/XIANFENG, Qianjiang, Kaier KAIER, Photosynthesis and Fenggu. If you are looking for an industrial dryer, what brand is good? Then this list of top ten industrial dryer brands can be used as a reference for your purchase. We are committed to recommending the best reputed industrial dryer brands with the most authentic user data, so that you can choose at ease. (The list is updated once a month)

Comprehensive ranking

1 Fanqun FANQUN Jiangsu Fanqun Drying Equipment Factory Co., Ltd., a famous brand in the dryer industry, a high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province, a famous trademark in Jiangsu Province, is one of the enterprises with large scale, many varieties and good quality among professional manufacturers of drying equipment in China.

2 Yibu Yibu Changzhou Yibu Drying Equipment Co., Ltd., a famous trademark in Jiangsu Province, a famous brand in Jiangsu Province, a vice chairman unit of China Drying Equipment Industry Association, a famous manufacturer specializing in drying equipment, is committed to the research, production and operation of drying equipment.

3 Industrial University Shijiazhuang Industrial University Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd., which started in 1997, is a famous brand of industrial dryer, a high-tech enterprise, and a famous trademark enterprise in Hebei Province. It is a process equipment manufacturer with drying, crystallization, filtration, pressure vessel equipment design and manufacturing as the core, and chemical unit process engineering and equipment as the main products.

4 Tianli Shandong Tianli Drying Equipment Co., Ltd., a famous brand of industrial dryer, a high-tech enterprise in Shandong Province, a key backbone enterprise in China's drying equipment industry, one of the national "863" plan project undertaking units, the chairman unit of the drying equipment branch of China General Machinery Industry Association, and an advanced intellectual property unit in Jinan.

5 Honorry Shandong Honorry Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a well-known industrial dryer brand and a high-tech enterprise in Shandong Province, is committed to the research, development, promotion and application of fluidization drying and fluidized bed spray granulation technology and equipment, and is the leading position in the field of domestic large-scale fluidized bed spray granulation drying technology.

6 Pioneer/XIANFENG Jiangsu Pioneer Drying Engineering Co., Ltd., a well-known brand of dryer, a high-tech enterprise, a well-known enterprise in Jiangsu Province, a drafting unit of drying industry standards, a vice chairman unit of China General Machinery Drying Equipment Industry Association, and a large manufacturer of drying equipment industry in China.

7 Qianjiang Zhejiang Qianjiang Motorcycle Co., Ltd., a well-known brand of motorcycles, started in 1985 as a listed company and an excellent Chinese motorcycle manufacturer, specializing in the research, development, manufacturing and sales of motorcycle and engines.

8 KAIER Liaoning Kaier Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., a famous industrial dryer brand, a high-tech enterprise in Liaoning Province, a well-known grain drying equipment manufacturer in China, and a bid winner of the national grain depot dryer construction project, specializes in the development, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and technical consultation of complete sets of grain drying equipment.

9 Photosynthesis brand belongs to Changsha Photosynthesis Solar Energy Co., Ltd., which regards product quality management as an important part of enterprise strategic management to ensure consistent product quality. The company adheres to the business philosophy of "customer first, forge ahead", and adheres to the principle of "customer first" to provide customers with quality services.

10 Fenggu Sichuan Mianyang Fenggu Liquor Industry Co., Ltd., a well-known liquor brand, a time-honored brand in China, a famous trademark in Sichuan Province, a famous brand product in Sichuan Province, is one of the large-scale comprehensive liquor making enterprises in Sichuan Province and an original ecological liquor enterprise integrating scientific research, production and sales.

No more love songs 2024-06-07 10:06:54

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