What is the reason for frequent sweating

I want to move forward Ask questions at 09:08:10, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

What is the reason for frequent sweating? It can be seen in the following situations: one is obese people, because there is more subcutaneous fat, the subcutaneous fat will affect the heat dissipation of the human body, which is manifested by fear of heat and sweating. In addition, it is seen in people with hyperthyroidism. In patients with hyperthyroidism, the level of thyroid hormone in the blood is elevated, and the basal metabolic rate is increased, and the sympathetic excitability is increased, which is manifested by fear of heat, sweating, emaciation and irritability. Frequent sweating is also seen in patients with heart disease. In the early stage of heart function damage, it will show a slight increase in activity, and it will show a phenomenon of sweating. Therefore, it is suggested to find the possible reasons based on your own situation. In addition, we should strengthen exercise and build up our physique.

I want to move forward 2024-04-22 11:35:45

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