What happened to frequent spermatorrhea recently

A lover fails to return Ask on May 10, 2024-03:34:23
Recommended answer

For a healthy man, there is no problem if he occasionally has spermatorrhea when he has no normal sexual life for a long time. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, if there is frequent spermatorrhea recently, it is a serious pathological reaction. Most of the causes are caused by physical diseases, especially the urinary system, such as prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis, which are particularly easy to cause male diarrhea; There is also that men usually have too frequent sex life, and excessive masturbation is also likely to cause insufficient kidney qi, and loose kidney essence will cause spermatorrhea. In this case, we must go to the andrology department of the hospital as soon as possible. After the diagnosis is clear, we will consider what treatment measures to take, and do not blindly tonify the kidney and consolidate essence. If there is inflammation, it is still necessary to do a good job in anti-inflammatory work. Long term overwork and fatigue are also the causes of spermatorrhea.

A lover fails to return 2024-05-13 11:24:40

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