Which department to see in the hospital for halitosis

Ginseng and vinegar don't meet Ask on 2024-05-21 06:36:25
Recommended answer

Bad breath needs to see the department of stomatology and the department of gastroenterology. The appearance of bad breath has a certain relationship with oral diseases and digestive system diseases, so when selecting departments, you need to choose according to the reasons for bad breath. When suffering from periodontitis, gingivitis, caries and other phenomena in the mouth, bad breath occurs due to infection caused by inflammation, food impaction and other factors. These people need to go to the department of stomatology to treat oral diseases. Many people have Helicobacter pylori infection in their digestive system, and are more likely to suffer from stomach diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, etc., which will not only cause damage to the digestive system mucosa, but also damage the gastric peristalsis function. The food can not be emptied in time and ferments poorly in the stomach. The sour taste will cause bad breath. It needs to be treated in the digestive department for digestive system diseases to improve.

Ginseng and vinegar don't meet 2024-05-27 10:46:09

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