How to treat metastatic lung of cervical cancer

The roots of four leaf clover Ask questions at 21:13:10, May 10, 2024
Recommended answer

The metastatic lung of cervical cancer can be treated with drug chemotherapy. The occurrence of lung metastasis in cervical cancer indicates that the cancer has reached its advanced stage. In addition to lung metastasis, there may be metastasis in other parts. Advanced surgery for cervical cancer is no longer meaningful. Patients with obvious metastatic lesions can receive drug chemotherapy, which can alleviate the disease to a certain extent, but it will not significantly prolong the survival time of patients. Therefore, in the late stage of cervical cancer, symptomatic treatment is the main method to reduce the symptoms of patients and prolong the survival time as much as possible.

The roots of four leaf clover 2024-05-13 11:24:24

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