What is the meaning of weak positive urinary occult blood

Astringent ambition Ask questions on 2024-06-01 16:28:13
Recommended answer

Urine occult blood is weakly positive, indicating that there is occult blood in urine. There is a red blood cell plus sign. This situation may be caused by urinary system stones, or dehydration of kidney diseases and tumors. In this case, we must pay attention to rest, try not to do strenuous exercise, and it is better to do B-ultrasound of the urinary system, and test urinary sediment. If there is urinary system inflammation, it can be treated by intravenous drip of levofloxacin mesylate or metronidazole, cephalosporin antibiotics. If there are urinary stones, they can be treated with extracorporeal lithotripsy, oral antibiotics, and Paishi granules. At ordinary times, we must pay attention to drinking more warm water, try not to eat spicy, raw and cold food, and do not drink to avoid aggravating the disease.

Astringent ambition 2024-06-03 11:58:48

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