What department does female left lower abdomen pain refer to

You disappeared Ask questions at 17:59:35 on May 23, 2024
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If women have left lower abdomen pain, they should decide what department to see according to the specific clinical manifestations of the patient. If female patients have left lower abdomen colic, pain diffuses to perineum, often accompanied by left waist pain, left kidney area can have percussion pain, which is generally a disease of the urinary system, such as ureteral stones, it is recommended to see the urology department. If the patient has latent pain in the left lower abdomen, accompanied by abnormal leucorrhea, and obvious tenderness in the left lower abdomen, it may be adnexitis or ectopic pregnancy, it is recommended that the patient see a gynecologist. If the patient has left lower abdomen pain, accompanied by diarrhea, some patients even have bloody purulent stool, which may be chronic enteritis, it is recommended that the patient see the digestive department. So many diseases can cause women's left lower abdomen pain. It is necessary to make a comprehensive analysis of the patient's condition, and then decide what department to see, not a fixed department.

You disappeared 2024-05-27 11:04:23

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