Check which department is attached to varicocele

Don't gamble youth on tomorrow Ask questions at 15:51:13 on May 22, 2024
Recommended answer

Varicocele requires urology. Varicocele is a common disease in the urinary system. It is mainly caused by the obstruction of blood flow in the patient's spermatic vein, which leads to blood stasis in the spermatic vein, causing varicocele tortuosity and expansion. The patient will suffer from scrotal distention and pain, and should have earthworm like mass on the skin. If there is varicocele, you can go to the urology department of the local hospital for examination, Make a color ultrasound examination, observe the degree of varicocele, and formulate the corresponding treatment plan according to the examination results. Mild varicocele can be treated conservatively with oral medication under the guidance of the visiting doctor, and regular reexamination is required. Severe varicocele needs minimally invasive surgery.

Don't gamble youth on tomorrow 2024-05-27 10:51:04

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