How to classify serious mental diseases

The most handsome old man Ask questions at 04:12:05, April 21, 2024
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02 How to classify serious mental diseases Major mental diseases are divided into the following six diseases: schizophrenia, paranoid psychosis, epileptic psychosis, bidirectional affective disorder, and mental retardation. Schizophrenia is the most common disease in clinical practice. The etiology is complex and not fully clarified. It often starts in young adults, and shows obstacles in perception, thinking, emotion, will, behavior and other aspects. Mental activities are uncoordinated with the surrounding environment and inner experience, divorced from reality, general unconscious obstacles and obvious intellectual obstacles. There may be cognitive impairment in attention to work, memory, abstract thinking and other aspects. The patient often delays and relapses, and some patients have mental activity decline and social function defects of varying degrees. This is schizophrenia. Paranoid mental disorder refers to a psychosis with unknown etiology and main symptoms of systematic delusion. If there is hallucination, it lasts for a short time and is not prominent. If there is no delusion involved, there is no obvious mental disorder, the course of disease evolves slowly, generally there is no personality decline and intellectual impairment, and there is a certain ability to work and adapt to society. The average age of onset is about 40 years old, Women are slightly more than men, and their personalities are more stubborn, subjective, sensitive, suspicious, and aggressive. It includes delusions of murder, jealousy, litigation, love, exaggeration and other common delusions.

The most handsome old man 2024-04-22 12:32:58

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