How to purify obsidian and what are its uses?

Leaves fall with the rain Ask questions on 2024-06-02 18:16:34
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Most people like to dress up. Although the inner beauty is more important, if the outer beauty is not, who is interested in caring about your inner beauty. Girls will buy beautiful flower skirts and all kinds of jewelry to dress themselves up. Boys usually wear simple clothes with a high power lattice bracelet. Obsidian hand string is a very popular one. Obsidian can absorb our negative energy. What else can it be used for? Just look at the following article.

Obsidian, also known as the tears of Apache. In Indian legend, a troop was ambushed by the enemy, outnumbered and annihilated. The sad news came that the tears of crying family members fell on the ground and turned into small black stones, also known as the gems that no longer cry. Whoever owns this black obsidian will never cry again, because the girl in Apache has drained all your tears for you, and gave the obsidian to the person you like, which means no longer cry, happiness and happiness.

Obsidian itself can absorb a large amount of negative energy, but it will not be removed, so it must be thoroughly purified within a certain time. For obsidian, sunbathing is the most recommended, because sunlight contains a kind of positive qi, which is extremely powerful. It is the most suitable purification method for black crystal. But do not expose to the sun, which will destroy the ingredients. It is better to take them back before noon. Of course, if conditions permit, it is better to purify with the crystal cluster. It is better to purify obsidian 2 to 3 times a month. Its absorption is very strong. If it is not purified in time, it may have a bad effect on the body!

Use of obsidian:
1. The energy of obsidian is very strong and powerful, and it has the best effect of exorcism. Wearing obsidian with you is the best amulet and exorcism. People who are lucky enough to be born at the same time, who violate the zodiac sign of Taisui, who need to work at night or often need to catch up with the night road, can effectively avoid all kinds of supernatural events such as running into evil spirits and ghosts.

2. Obsidian has the function of dispelling evil and transforming evil spirits, and is very effective in treating insomnia. Black Yaoshi's magnetic energy is steady, quiet and continuous, which helps to strengthen the circulation of qi and blood in the body and improve the weakness and deficiency of qi
symptom. The variety and energy of obsidian have always been covered with a mysterious veil, but through the personal experience of many friends, it does have a very powerful role in avoiding evil spirits and transforming evil spirits. It can not only avoid the interference of negative energy, but also remove the unpleasant musty smell and bad luck. Whether you wear it or place it at home, it is the best guardian stone in life.

3. Obsidian can also enhance vitality, restore people's spirit and physical strength, and have a good balance between overworked office workers and creative workers. It can strengthen the kidney, absorb disease qi, improve sleep, and improve alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction. It can make people stable, relieve pressure, calm and eliminate emotional distress. It can also strengthen the action force, enhance the charisma and centripetal force of leaders, and help the cause, also known as the "leader stone".

4. Obsidian can be processed into handicrafts. In addition, because obsidian has the characteristics of glass, the broken section is shell shaped and very sharp. In the ancient Stone Age, it was used as cutting tools such as knives and arrows. Modern people use obsidian to make scalpel blades for surgery. After being heated at a temperature above 1000 ℃, obsidian will become white granules with loose and porous texture after being burned due to the loss of water contained inside.

Summary: No wonder many big bosses or successful men like to wear obsidian, which not only looks good, but also can bring vitality and enhance people's spirit. Obsidian helps us absorb negative energy. We should also take good care of it and clean it regularly.

Leaves fall with the rain 2024-06-07 10:03:38

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