Four step exercise method helps you prevent arthritis

Go to the seaside together Ask questions on June 23, 2024-23:07:54
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Exercise for patients with osteoarthritis should be correct and appropriate, which can prevent and delay the process of osteoarthritis. Beneficial exercises include swimming, walking, cycling, supine straight leg lifting, resistance training and flexion and extension of weightless joints. Improper excessive exercise can aggravate osteoarthritis. Harmful exercise is to increase joint torque or joint surface overload training: such as climbing mountains, climbing stairs, squatting and standing up and other activities.

Proper exercise will be very helpful to maintain and improve joint activity and enhance the muscle strength of the affected joint. Take active weightless exercise as the main practice, first do exercises to strengthen muscle strength, and then gradually practice to increase joint range of motion. Here is a four step training method:

1. Straight leg lifting exercise: Lie on your back, straighten and lift the affected knee by 30~40cm, with the heel equal to the height of the healthy side toe, and try to maintain this position. If you can't hold on, you can put down the rest for the same time. Then repeat the exercise for 10-15 times in each group. Do two groups every day. If you can persist for more than 1 minute, you can carry out the weight bearing straight leg lifting exercise.

2. Weight bearing straight leg lifting exercise: The action is the same as above. A certain weight should be borne on the instep, starting from 1 kg and gradually increasing to 5 kg. If you can persist for more than 1 minute, you can carry out the next step of exercise.

3. Weight bearing short arc exercise: the patient sits at the bedside, puts a pillow under the affected knee, bends the knee 30 °, and the weight bearing of the affected foot starts from 5 kg, gradually increases to 10 kg, and does leg lifting and straightening exercise. If the patient can persist for more than 1 minute, the next step of exercise can be carried out.

4. Long arc exercise with weight bearing: the patient sits at the bedside, bends his knee 90 °, and his lower leg sags. The weight bearing of the affected foot starts from 10 kg and gradually increases to 20 kg. He does leg lifting and straightening exercise. If he can persist for more than 1 minute, his life and work can basically reach normal.

(Intern editor: Lin Yanjuan)

Go to the seaside together 2024-06-24 11:35:41

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