What to take for acute cerebral infarction

Breeze boiling wine Ask questions at 14:17:42 on May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Thrombolytic and neurotrophic drugs are generally used for acute cerebral infarction, but intravenous infusion is required, and oral drugs are usually not selected. After the occurrence of acute cerebral infarction, it will cause ischemic damage to brain tissue. It is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. In the acute phase, intravenous thrombolysis can be used, such as urokinase, to dredge blocked blood vessels as soon as possible to prevent the disease from worsening. After the patient's condition is stable, intravenous infusion of neurotrophic drugs, such as gangliosides or mouse nerve factors, can promote the recovery of brain cells, improve neural function, and prevent complications in the later period. The neurological symptoms produced need to be improved by means of rehabilitation treatment.

Breeze boiling wine 2024-05-27 10:43:37

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