Why there are red pimples on the foreskin

Eight rose Ask on 2024-06-22 21:34:46
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For male friends, if you find some abnormalities in the treatment package when taking a bath, you must be alert. If there are red pimples on the bag, many male friends will be worried at this time. At this time, everyone should calm down and think about the reason. So, what's wrong with the red pimple on the bag? Let's take a look at it together. I hope the following content will enlighten you.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of red pimples on the bag, including various pathogen infections, local irritation and other factors. It is generally considered to be caused by infection through sexual contact and non sexual contact.

Small pimples on the bun may also be the cause of bun * tortoise * inflammation, which may be caused by infection or non infection. Because of the unclean sex, infection with Candida albicans, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and gonorrhoea diplococcus can cause inflammation.

Turtle inflammation is the inflammation of the inside of the bag and the stem head. A lipid substance normally secreted in the capsule cavity. When the capsule is too long or phimosis occurs, this substance can accumulate into a package of scales to stimulate the capsule and the stem head, causing phimosis. It is a kind of delayed allergy, which is quite common in clinic.

What's the reason for the red pimple on the bag? The possibility of local infection cannot be ruled out because of the small pimples on the cysts. The chronic irritation of urine and cysts over a long period of time can induce inflammation of cysts, which can lead to edema, congestion, erosion, repeated cross infection and even incarceration of cysts. If not treated in time, inflammation can move up the genital tract and cause inflammation of anterior glands, seminal vesicles and epididymis, At the same time, it can be transmitted to sexual partners through sex. In addition, it can also cause premature pregnancy.

The symptoms of bunching turtle inflammation are red, swollen, painful, and itching of the stem and bunching. Some of them may have erosion and ulcers, and there are yellow purulent secretions with special odor. In severe cases, necrosis of stem head may occur. Some patients developed urethral stricture after acute stage, which caused dysuria. Repeated infection can thicken the stem head or wrapping, forming white spots* Stem cancer may also occur when the stem head is stimulated by the incrustation for a long time.

Eight rose 2024-06-24 11:36:54

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