How can the bad mood during pregnancy make the baby deformed? Understand emotional prenatal education

Liangcheng Old Man Ask questions at 14:58:35, June 23, 2024
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After pregnancy, the expectant mother may become a "little volcano" at any time due to the changes of hormones in her body, and her temper will explode. Don't underestimate this roller coaster like mood, which will affect the baby in her belly every minute. Therefore, expectant mothers must know how to regulate their emotions and not let bad moods affect their babies. This requires you to learn emotional prenatal education.

Emotion is directly related to the changes in the functions of various organs in the body. Bad emotions will disturb the nervous system, resulting in endocrine disorders of expectant mothers, which will affect the normal development of embryos and fetuses, and even cause malformations of fetuses and babies.

Influence of different emotions during pregnancy on fetus and baby

1. Positive effect - promoting the growth and development of fetus and baby

The beneficial substances keep the expectant mother's body in the best condition, are very beneficial to the blood circulation supply of the placenta, promote the stable growth and development of the fetus and baby, and are not prone to complications of childbirth, premature delivery and pregnancy. It can make the activities of the fetus and baby slow and regular, and the organs and tissues can be well differentiated, formed and developed, especially the development of brain tissue. After the baby is born, he is calm in temperament, stable in mood, does not cry often, and can quickly form a good biological rhythm, such as sleep, excretion, eating, etc. Generally speaking, his IQ and EQ are high.

2. Negative effect - fetus and baby are prone to developmental abnormalities

Harmful substances can raise the blood pressure of expectant mothers and cause temporary "child placenta" blood circulation disorder, which will lead to temporary hypoxia of the fetus and baby and affect their normal physical and mental development. It can cause adverse effects on the hypothalamus, which increases the probability of mental illness of the fetus and baby later. Even if they are spared, they tend to be low weight, active, crying and poor sleep after birth.

After birth, digestive system dysfunction often occurs, the possibility of suffering from other diseases is increased, and the adaptation to the environment is poor. Behavior problems and learning difficulties often occur in early childhood, which is often considered difficult to nurture.

If the expectant mother is extremely upset, the third month of pregnancy is the critical period for the development of the embryonic palate and organs, which will cause cleft lip, cleft palate, heart defects and other forms. In the late pregnancy, fetal tachycardia may lead to bleeding or early separation of the placenta, leading to premature delivery. Some babies become children with abnormal personality after birth, such as picky eaters, irritable and active, and even suffer from ADHD.

1. It is important to keep good mood during pregnancy. During the whole pregnancy, you should be broad-minded, optimistic and optimistic, and look forward to the warm time and bright future of the family in the future, so as to avoid the bad mood of worry, panic and worry.

2. Create a comfortable environment. Make your home very warm, plant some potted flowers, appreciate more art works, hang some cute baby photos, imagine that the baby in your belly is also healthy and cute, and then regularly imagine and draw the baby's appearance. Often intoxicated with the imagination of the fetus and baby, so that life during pregnancy is full of good hope. Or go to the beautiful nature to enjoy the beautiful scenery and breathe fresh air.

3. Eat, drink and live regularly. Work and rest on time, and do appropriate labor and exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise and short time housework are good choices

4. Often listen to beautiful music, often read poetry, fairy tales and scientific parenting books. Say goodbye to scary, nervous and suspenseful movies and novels.

Liangcheng Old Man 2024-06-24 11:32:56

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