Common medicine for vitiligo

Nan Kemeng Ask questions at 22:38:30, May 31, 2024
Recommended answer

The commonly used drugs for treating vitiligo include the following two aspects: first, oral drugs, commonly used drugs for regulating immune function, such as transfer factor oral liquid, thymosin enteric coated tablets, lentinan polysaccharide tablets, as well as Bailing tablets, Bailing capsules, Zhenqi Fuzheng capsules, Yupingfeng granules, etc. If the disease is in an acute stage of progression, prednisone can be used in a standardized manner, according to the patient's kg weight, Generally, 15-20 mg is used one day, and the drug is stopped after 2-3 months when the dosage is gradually reduced to 5 mg the next day after the disease is stable, which can quickly control the development of the disease. Second, external medicine, commonly used glucocorticoids such as Miromixone Ointment and Desonide Ointment; Vitamin D3, such as carbotriol ointment; Antineoplastic products, such as nitrogen mustard hydrochloride tincture, calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus, pimecrolimus ointment, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine also has different understanding of this disease. Traditional Chinese medicine uses drugs based on syndrome differentiation. The commonly used prescriptions are mainly Buguqi, Baiqi, safflower, salvia miltiorrhiza, Tongcao, etc. Chinese medicine decoction and oral administration. It can also be soaked in 75% alcohol with this kind of traditional Chinese medicine, or it can be wiped out after being soaked in high alcohol.

Nan Kemeng 2024-06-03 12:00:18

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