What are the symptoms and manifestations of breast fibroadenoma

down-to-earth Ask questions on 2024-05-24 01:40:17
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The symptoms of breast fibroma vary in severity, mainly depending on the type of disease. Generally, it is round or oval, with smooth surface, tough texture, clear boundary and good mobility. Breast fibroma is a common benign disease of the breast, which is caused by the abnormal sensitivity of breast fibrocytes to estrogen. Malignant transformation of breast fibroma rarely occurs, and the recurrence rate is high after surgical resection, so most patients diagnosed with breast fibroma can choose follow-up observation. If the fibroma increases rapidly, surgery can be considered. In daily life, we should pay attention to the high protein and low-fat diet, eat more foods rich in vitamins and cellulose, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, etc., and try to avoid taking foods, drugs, health products, etc. containing hormones.

down-to-earth 2024-05-27 11:07:55

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