Can Guasha Treat Upper Scorching Fire and Lower Scorching Cold

northwest wind Ask questions on April 17, 2024:36:16
Recommended answer

According to the twelve meridians and the eight odd meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, the principle of treating the symptoms in case of urgency and the root causes in case of slowness is followed. The scraping technique is used to strongly stimulate the meridians and make the local skin red and congested, so as to have the effect of awakening the spirit, relieving convulsion, detoxification, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting qi, relieving pain, strengthening the spleen and stomach. Shangjiao heat refers to the heart and lungs. Symptoms such as palpitations, upset, suffocation, shortness of breath, coughing, expectoration and even suffocation all belong to Shangjiao with fire. Scraping can remove the fire of Shangjiao and purge fire and evil spirits. The cold in the lower energizer refers to the weakness of the spleen and stomach, abdominal distention, diarrhea, shapeless stools, even kidney deficiency, cool lower limbs and other symptoms. Scraping can warm and nourish the blood, kidney, spleen and stomach.

northwest wind 2024-04-22 11:37:35

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