What does leucocyte 3+mean in the routine examination of leucorrhea

Peace of mind is a blessing Ask questions on May 22, 2024-19:05:33
Recommended answer

Routine examination of leucorrhea shows that the three plus signs of leucocyte indicate that the patient has vaginitis. If there are no obvious symptoms, medication is not needed for the time being. You can often wash the vulva with warm water, suspend sexual life, do not eat stimulating food, and observe. However, if there is a change in the color of leucorrhea and accompanied by vulvovaginal itching and other symptoms, drug treatment is required. It is generally recommended to apply medicine locally to the vagina, which can be treated with drugs such as Shuangzuotai suppository or metronidazole. Change clothes frequently, do not sleep together during vaginal medication, and recheck after medication. If the symptoms are serious, it can also be treated with oral medicine at the same time. Do not eat spicy food.

Peace of mind is a blessing 2024-05-27 10:54:28

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