What's the matter with positive surface of hepatitis A

You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age Ask questions on 2024-05-08 09:43:09
Recommended answer

At present, only one serotype of hepatitis A virus has been isolated, so there is only one antigen antibody system for hepatitis A virus. People infected with hepatitis A virus can produce IgM antibodies at the earliest time. IgM antibody (+), which represents a sign of recent infection, generally lasts for 8-12 weeks, and a few can last up to 6 months. IgG antibody (+) represents the sign of past infection, which can exist for many years or last for life. Therefore, most of the (+) hepatitis A antibodies represent signs of past infection, only IgM antibodies (+) represent that people have recently been infected with hepatitis A virus.

You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age 2024-05-13 11:24:05

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