What are the symptoms of throat cancer?

Try your best Ask questions at 14:35:03, May 17, 2024
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The symptoms of laryngopharyngeal cancer vary according to the location of invasion. The early stage of vocal cord cancer can be manifested as voice changes, for example, the early stage of vocal cord cancer is prone to fatigue or hoarseness, without any other discomfort. Most patients think it is laryngitis or colds, and usually do not pay attention to it. With the progression of the tumor, there may be loss of voice and dyspnea, while supraglottic and subglottic cancers usually show itching, foreign body sensation, and dysphagia. As the tumor progresses, there will be dyspnea, dysphagia, cough, blood in sputum, and hemoptysis. When neck lymph node metastasis occurs in some patients, it can be manifested as painless lymph node enlargement in one side of the neck.

Try your best 2024-05-20 11:21:43

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