What's wrong with chest rib pain

Drunken Camellia Ask on 2024-04-18 07:22:01
Recommended answer

There is pain in the ribs of the chest. The common disease is costochondritis. This disease occurs more in young people than in men. It is considered a self limiting disease, that is, there is aseptic inflammation in the ribs, so the patient will show pain. In severe cases, deep breathing restriction may also occur, mainly by choosing the method of pain relief treatment, or by local blocking treatment and injecting lidocaine hydrochloride, the patient's symptoms can gradually improve. In addition, some patients are caused by trauma, and it is easy to have local chest wall soft tissue contusion, or even rib fracture. The patient will show severe pain, respiratory restriction, and lung contusion, including coughing, expectoration, and sputum with blood. In severe cases, the patient will also suffer from lung tissue contusion.

Drunken Camellia 2024-04-22 11:41:37

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