Why do you have acne in your neck

Children chasing dreams Ask questions at 15:56:57, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Acne does not only grow on the face, as long as the secretion of sebaceous glands is concentrated, acne is more likely to occur. The occurrence mechanism of acne is complex, with more oil, propionibacterium acnes infection, secondary inflammation, microbial infection, etc. are all factors that lead to the emergence of acne. Patients usually prefer spicy diet, sweets, dairy products, fried food, staying up late, smoking and drinking will also promote the occurrence and development of acne. In case of acne, try to avoid staying up late, work and rest regularly, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and try to avoid food that may promote the occurrence of acne. On the basis of local cleaning, apply salicylic acid cream or adapalene gel to remove acne.

Children chasing dreams 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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