What are the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency?

Half a cigarette Ask questions on 2024-05-30 20:55:14
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Kidney yang deficiency is mostly caused by congenital kidney yang weakness, old kidney deficiency, chronic disease, kidney injury, excessive room fatigue and other factors. The clinical manifestations of kidney yang deficiency have many aspects, such as fatigue, low spirits, fatigue, memory loss, lethargy, dreaminess, spontaneous sweating, and also symptoms such as chills, cold limbs, heavy body, edema of lower limbs, sore waist and knees, cold back pain, etc, Men may suffer from sexual dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatitis and other symptoms. In serious cases, testicular swelling and pain may occur, and the scrotum shrinks in case of cold. Female patients with kidney yang deficiency may also have decreased libido, infertility due to uterine cold, leukorrhea, etc. In addition, patients with kidney yang deficiency may have clear and long urine, endless residual, little urine or frequent nocturnal urination, hearing loss or tinnitus, wheezing, shortness of breath, hair falling off easily, and early whiteness, which is reflected in the face is pale and dark or swarthy.

Half a cigarette 2024-06-03 11:50:43

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