What's the matter with ladies peeing

Love yourself Ask on 2024-04-17 20:28:35
Recommended answer

Female students have sharp pain when urinating, which is considered to be caused by urinary tract infection, followed by the possibility of urethral stones. Women are prone to urinary tract infection, mainly because their urethra is relatively close to the anus, and their urethra is relatively thick, so they are more prone to urinary tract infection. The main symptoms are frequency of urination, urgency of urination, and pain of urination. You can check the urine routine to make a clear diagnosis. At the same time, you should drink more water and urinate frequently. The second case is urethral calculus. Urethral calculus is also characterized by sharp pain when urinating, and can also be accompanied by hematuria, laborious urination, bifurcation of urination and other symptoms. It can improve the CT of the urinary system, and further treatment can be carried out according to the size of the calculus.

Love yourself 2024-04-22 11:47:13

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