What's the cause of the tingling of the urethra

Youth remains Ask questions on 2024-05-19 18:24:54
Recommended answer

I feel that the urethra is tingling. The most likely cause is urinary tract inflammation. The most common infection bacterium is Escherichia coli. It is recommended to test the urine routine and conduct urine culture if necessary. Urine routine can detect whether there are white blood cells, etc; Urine culture can find out what bacteria exist and select sensitive antibiotics. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and urinate more to relieve the symptoms of urethral tingling. It can also take sodium bicarbonate orally, which has the function of alkalizing urine and relieving the stinging urination. It is recommended to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, the most common of which are levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc., 0.2 g each time, twice a day, which can relieve the symptoms of urethral tingling in 3-5 days. After the symptoms are relieved, it is recommended to recheck the routine urine test.

Youth remains 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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