What to eat after removal of thyroid tumor

Dragon of Imperial Phoenix Ask questions at 21:14:53, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

After the removal of thyroid tumor, the postoperative pathological results clearly show that it is a thyroid adenoma, so the patient can rest assured that this lesion is a benign lesion, not a malignant tumor. After the removal of thyroid tumor, we need to regularly review the thyroid function. There is no special requirement on diet. We can eat the same diet as normal people. Because thyroid surgery may cause hypothyroidism, we need to routinely monitor thyroid function after the removal of thyroid tumor. If hypothyroidism occurs, Exogenous thyroid hormone supplementation is needed to replace treatment to maintain thyroid function in the normal range.

Dragon of Imperial Phoenix 2024-05-20 11:56:15

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