How to deal with cough, sore throat and phlegm

man 's life is like a dream Ask questions on 2024-04-16 06:04:00
Recommended answer

When coughing with sore throat and phlegm, first of all, you need to control your diet, avoid spicy and irritating food, avoid too sweet and salty food, and drink more warm water, which can effectively relieve sore throat and phlegm when coughing. If you do not get better, you can take oral antitussive and expectorant drugs, such as ambroxol oral liquid, cinerpin enteric coated soft capsules, etc., and select appropriate sensitive antibiotics. When sputum is discharged, cough can be alleviated, and throat pain will also be improved. Cough throat pain and sputum are usually caused by virus or bacterial infection, and the symptoms of basic diseases will be more serious. Exercise properly at ordinary times, pay attention to rest and keep warm, balance nutrition, strengthen body resistance and immunity, and try to avoid colds.

man 's life is like a dream 2024-04-22 12:31:08

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