To prevent postpartum depression, the husband is the best doctor!

Leaves fall to soothe the dust Ask questions on 2024-06-22 00:14:40
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Some studies have shown that pregnant women who have been depressed after childbirth will contain some pathogenic toxins in their breast milk, which will not only endanger the health of the pregnant women, but also be detrimental to the recovery after childbirth. If the breast milk produced at this time is given to the baby, it will also affect the health of the baby, and even endanger the life safety of the baby. This phenomenon should attract the attention of the whole family.

Postpartum depression is a common phenomenon in recent years. There was a news that "young mothers suffer from postpartum depression and fall to death after holding a four month old baby girl" has attracted wide attention. Many mothers will experience postpartum depression.

Experts said: postpartum depression can be triggered by changes in social roles, physical discomfort, fatigue of caring for newborns, confinement of Chinese confinement, etc.

In addition, postpartum depression may also be related to: family economic situation, marital relationship, mother-in-law daughter-in-law relationship, lack of care and care, unsatisfactory pregnancy outcomes (such as entangled cesarean section or spontaneous delivery, premature delivery, newborn health), unsatisfactory fetal gender

Most puerperal depression will disappear by itself, but some will gradually become serious, so family care is very important. When the pregnant mother is in abnormal mood, her family should help her to self regulate and encourage her to get out of the bad mood trap. For this reason, I would like to give the following suggestions to my parents.

1、 Get rid of postpartum depression. The husband should do this

1. Accompany to speak

More communication is the most effective way to prevent and alleviate postpartum depression. The person closest to Baoma is the father. So, every time you go home from work, don't just play games with your wife or ignore your wife with your baby. You must talk with your wife more. How is your health today? Do you have anything special to eat? How are you feeling? Learn more about your wife's current situation, and help her with troubleshooting.

2. Play with

The main purpose of playing with Baoma is to distract her attention from her baby or worrying things. Don't treat new moms in the traditional way. They can't go to the ground, go out, work, or even watch TV. These will make new moms feel more bored and monotonous, and increase their depression. Dad can take time to watch variety shows with Baoma, do simple housework and do proper sports, so as to accompany his wife more and let her know your care.

3. Accompany to eat

Just care more about his wife's diet. During the month, I usually eat a lot of supplements, but I don't know that these foods are easily upset, irritable, insomnia and anxiety. Therefore, it is suggested that mothers should match more light food for their wives, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink more warm water, and give their wives the most intimate care.

4. Buy some rose tea for my wife

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that roses are sweet and bitter in taste and warm in nature, which can warm and nourish the heart and liver, relieve the depression in the body, and have the effect of calming, pacifying and anti depression.

5. Let your wife eat more fish

Eating fish can improve mental disorders, because the omega - 3 fatty acids contained in fish can produce similar effects equivalent to antidepressants, reducing people's psychological anxiety.

2、 Get rid of postpartum depression, fathers' "three guarantees"

1. Ensure no noise during the month

When the wife comes home from the hospital, the number of visitors should be limited to create a quiet, leisurely and healthy rest environment for the wife; Ensure that someone takes care of the newborn baby and does not disturb the wife's rest and recovery excessively; The mother of the month is emotional. Don't quarrel with her, let alone slander her, and guide and appease her more.

2. Guarantee Baoma's sleep

More rest after childbirth can help your body recover as soon as possible. Therefore, dads should ensure your wife's sleep, and ask the family elders or nannies to take care of your baby to solve her worries; When feeding the baby at night, the dads should also take up the job at the right time and share more for their wives without affecting their work the next day.

3. Ensure more attention on a daily basis

After delivery, the body and mind of the puerpera are under the pressure of a major transition and need the support and care of their partners. Therefore, the first thing to do after coming home from work every day is not to pick up the children, but to hold a wife. Ask her today's mood, daily chores, and the situation of the baby.

In addition to such warm details, it is advisable to change the time of taking care of children after work into a "three thirty minute system": the husband takes half an hour; Take two people together for half an hour; Nurses or elders take care of children, and couples enjoy half an hour of the world together. Give full consideration to the life of mother, children and husband and wife.

3、 Do a good job in regulating the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a big problem since ancient times. In fact, the most important role is the husband.

Especially after the wife has given birth, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are very likely to have conflicts in confinement, breast-feeding and child rearing. Because mother-in-law is bound by old traditional habits, such as sitting on the moon and not allowing you to bathe and wash your hair, not allowing you to turn on the air conditioner in hot days, forcing children to squeeze their hair, and wrapping children like rice dumplings in winter... These habits are often harmful without any benefit, which is easy to conflict with the views of modern young people.

So for men, this is a very challenging topic. If handled well, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law respectively "love the house and the dog" - the mother-in-law loves the daughter-in-law because she loves her son, and the daughter-in-law loves the mother-in-law because she loves her husband. Each has its own place, and the relationship will be harmonious. But if it is not handled well, there will be cracks between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is difficult to make up.

The care from the husband is a good medicine to cure the wife's postpartum depression. Baodads, let Baoma feel your love and let her feel the warmth from the family.

Leaves fall to soothe the dust 2024-06-24 11:32:33

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