What fruit is good for scarlatina

Old people worried Ask questions on 2024-05-23 05:21:52
Recommended answer

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. The general requirement for diet is to eat well digested food, preferably liquid or semi liquid food. If there is little food due to high fever and serious poisoning symptoms, intravenous rehydration can be given. Scarlet fever patients are usually accompanied by sore throat, fever, rash and other manifestations. They can properly eat some fruits containing more vitamin C, such as oranges, oranges, etc., which is conducive to the recovery of the disease and the disappearance of the rash. But don't eat too hard, which will stimulate the throat and cause sore throat. Don't eat too much, too mixed or too messy, which may cause diarrhea and aggravate the disease. The most important thing is to carry out pathogenic treatment in addition to diet, and use penicillin, erythromycin or cephalosporins to fight infection.

Old people worried 2024-05-27 10:54:15

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