How to judge tinnitus

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible Ask on 2024-06-02 12:13:51
Recommended answer

It should be combined with detailed medical history, examination and psycho psychological assessment. It is necessary to clarify the medical history: subjective tinnitus or objective tinnitus; The nature of tinnitus; Characteristics of tinnitus; Occurrence time, duration, change process, diagnosis and treatment process, current status of tinnitus; Tinnitus loudness; Whether complicated with hearing loss and vertigo; The influence of tinnitus on emotion, work, life, study and sleep; Triggering and aggravating factors of tinnitus, and ways of relieving or controlling tinnitus; Have you ever had a history of otology and systemic diseases related to otopathy, or head trauma, acoustic trauma, etc; Whether there is a family history related to tinnitus. Examination: provide basis for the location, cause determination and quantification of tinnitus through physical examination and auxiliary examination. Psychopsychological assessment: since tinnitus and anxiety are mutually causal, we should cooperate with psychologists to make a psychopsychological assessment of tinnitus patients.

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible 2024-06-03 11:54:55

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