How to deal with hemorrhoid bleeding and anal pain

A few songs make you smile Ask questions at 21:08:58, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoids hemorrhage and anal pain are considered as hemorrhoids attack, which is mainly seen in young and middle-aged patients, especially after tiredness or recurrent habitual constipation, which affects the venous blood flow of the rectum and anal canal. In serious cases, varicose veins are formed, and even emboli are formed in the varicose veins, that is, hemorrhoids. After defecation, it can lead to damage of local mucosa, which is manifested as bleeding, especially bleeding after defecation, local swelling and pain. It is considered that external hemorrhoids have edema. In this case, we can first choose conservative treatment, improve constipation, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more water, and properly conduct anal sphincter. Exercise can also use hemorrhoid suppository to relieve symptoms, or inject sclerosing agent under the mucosa to promote hemorrhoid atrophy, which can effectively stop bleeding.

A few songs make you smile 2024-04-22 11:37:50

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