How to deal with long hemorrhoids and constipation

My world alone. Ask questions on April 15, 2024:22:20
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoids and anal fissure, such as drug treatment and life conditioning, are two different diseases, but they affect each other. Hemorrhoids are caused by the downward movement of anal pad and varicose veins, while constipation is caused by many factors, such as the presence of outlet obstruction factors, such as the presence of slow colon transmission factors. If you have hemorrhoids and constipation, you can choose conservative treatment, drink more warm water, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, increase the intake of dietary fiber appropriately, and supplement intestinal probiotics appropriately. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid stimulating diet, alcohol consumption, anal coldness, proper exercise, rest and fatigue. If you get hemorrhoids, you can take Huazhi capsule orally; if you get constipation, you can take Mosapride dispersible tablets and Maren Runchang pills orally.

My world alone. 2024-04-22 12:25:48

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