Treatment of Brain Tumor by Traditional Chinese Medicine

Heartbeat in Tokyo Ask questions at 01:36:16, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

At present, we believe that the treatment effect of traditional Chinese medicine for brain tumors is average, and it is still recommended to take western medicine surgery to treat brain tumors. The complete resection of brain tumor through surgery, combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as an auxiliary treatment, most patients can achieve satisfactory treatment results. Traditional Chinese medicine has certain auxiliary treatment value for some special brain tumor patients. For example, patients are old and weak, unable to tolerate surgery, and patients are in the late stage of tumor, cachexia, and extremely poor physical condition. At this time, traditional Chinese medicine can be used to regulate the body of patients, which can play a certain auxiliary treatment role.

Heartbeat in Tokyo 2024-06-03 11:52:53

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