Summary of Jinhua Ham

spring, summer, autumn and winter Ask questions on 2024-06-01 04:54:54
Recommended answer

Jinhua ham is delicious and nutritious, and can produce many delicious dishes. Now let's introduce the best two kinds of Jinhua ham. Come and learn.

Operation method

Cabbage ham: ingredients: 500g cabbage heart, 25g watered yulanpian, 75g cooked ham. 5 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of white sugar, 4 grams of cooking wine, 25 grams of water starch, 250 grams of stock, 500 grams of vegetable oil (100 grams of actual consumption).

1. Wash the cabbage heart, control the water and cut it into 6cm long strips. Cut the ham into 4.5cm and 1.5cm wide slices. Slice magnolia slices. 2. Put the vegetable oil into a pot and heat it to 60%. Put the cabbage heart into the pot and fry it slightly. Remove the oil. 3. Put a little oil in the pot, add stock, cabbage, cooking wine, refined salt and sugar; Then put ham slices and magnolia slices into the pot along the side of the pot for about two minutes, add MSG, first put the cabbage heart into the plate, then heat the pot, thicken it with starch, and pour it on the cabbage.

Ingredients of wild fern soup on Jinhua ham: 50g Jinhua ham, 80g dried wild fern, 1 preserved egg with pine blossom, some ginger, some salt, some garlic, some green onion, and some coriander.

1. Soak the dried bracken in water first, and change the water several times to clean it for standby. 2. Cut Jinhua ham into pieces and wash them for use. Peel and cut preserved eggs into small pieces. Pour oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, add ham and preserved eggs and fry them slightly. 3. Add boiling water and boil for a few minutes to make the soup white and creamy. 4. Bring the wild bracken to a boil in a dry heat, then turn it to a low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Add coriander or chopped green onion before serving.

spring, summer, autumn and winter 2024-06-07 09:51:48

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