What are the differences between herpes and eczema

Raise a fire and burn the sky Ask questions at 19:34:52, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Herpes and eczema are two different skin diseases. First, the cause is different. Herpes is caused by virus infection. The common viruses that cause herpes are herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, etc; Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease caused by a variety of complex factors, which is related to mental factors, immune factors, genetic factors, external stimuli and other factors. Secondly, the symptoms of the disease are different. Herpes shows different symptoms in different types of virus infection. For example, the symptoms of herpes zoster caused by varicella zoster virus infection are manifested as blisters with a zonal distribution, which are often accompanied by painful symptoms; Eczema can be manifested as skin papules, papules, etc., which will fuse into patches in the later stage. Patients with chronic eczema can have skin thickening and infiltration, usually accompanied by severe itching symptoms. Finally, the treatment method is different, herpes needs antiviral treatment, such as oral acyclovir; Eczema needs anti-inflammatory desensitization or immune intervention treatment and other symptomatic treatment methods.

Raise a fire and burn the sky 2024-05-20 11:10:37

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