What is the cause of coughing up urine

Walk on the clouds Ask questions on 2024-05-28 06:44:48
Recommended answer

If the patient's urinary incontinence occurs only occasionally during coughing, it is generally considered as a physiological reaction rather than a problem. If the patient is in a state of suffocation at that time, it is easy to increase the intra-abdominal pressure when coughing, and the increased intra-abdominal pressure may compress the bladder and cause urinary incontinence. If the patient has the above symptoms repeatedly, it should be considered as stress urinary incontinence, which may be related to some organic diseases such as bladder sphincter relaxation or urethral insufficiency. If necessary, it is recommended to go to the urology department of the hospital for examination.

Walk on the clouds 2024-06-03 11:54:52

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