What are the effects of smoking on semen

Past events follow the wind Ask questions on 2024-06-22 12:43:53
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What is the impact of smoking on the harm of liquid porn? My husband and I have been married for more than a year. At that time, we didn't want to have a baby right away when we wanted to play for another year. After discussing with my parents in law, we also agreed. This year's appointment is coming. My mother in law often reminds us that we should have a baby. We really plan to have a baby. We can help us take care of the baby while our parents are still young, But my husband has been smoking all the time. He asked him to stop smoking when he was having a baby and then smoke when he had a baby. Now smoking has an impact on sperm. He doesn't believe it. What harm does it have? Let's talk about it.

Nicotine is the main component of tobacco. Scientists have confirmed that nicotine can have an anti fertility effect and cause infertility. Nicotine can directly affect spermatogenesis. Smoking can also make the arteries of the penis contract, and change the hemodynamics of the testis and epididymis, which can affect the development of spermatogenic cells and hinder the occurrence and maturation of sperm. Six months after quitting smoking or reducing the amount of smoking, changes can be seen, sperm count and vitality have an upward trend. The more cigarettes you smoke every day or the longer you smoke, the higher the sperm abnormality rate, the fewer normal sperm, and the lower the activity. In addition, if the wife is pregnant, smoking by the husband can increase the fetal mortality.

1. Smoking causes sperm mutation

Smoking is a mutagenic substance that causes spermatogenesis and can affect the maturation and proliferation of germ cells. In heavy smokers, the rate of chromosomal abnormalities was significantly higher, and sister chromatid exchange in peripheral blood lymphocytes was also higher than that in non-smokers.

2. Smoking causes germ mutation in sperm

The condensate of cigarette smoke can induce bacterial mutation, which is a powerful mutagen for sister chromatid exchange of human lymphocytes in the culture medium. Population data showed that the incidence of chromosome destruction in peripheral blood lymphocytes of smokers was related to the type of smoking. Hopkin et al. found that the lymphocyte damage was serious in people who smoked heavily and smoked cigarettes without filter tip.

3. Smoking affects sperm vitality

Smoking can inhibit the enzyme system of sperm through cigarette smoke condensate to have a certain impact on sperm vitality, which is the role of inhibiting choline acetylase.

The above information is a brief summary of the impact of smoking on liquid porn that I found on the Internet. Smoking is not a good thing, but it should be avoided at ordinary times. Now, if you want to have a baby, you should avoid smoking even more. Smoking has an impact on the health of children. If you want to have a healthy baby, you should not smoke.

Past events follow the wind 2024-06-24 11:40:59

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