What is uterine pain

Young and frivolous Ask questions on 2024-04-16 03:01:56
Recommended answer

The uterus belongs to an internal organ. If it is an internal organ, it is generally insensitive to pain. So even if there is uterine pain, we women may only feel pain in the lower abdomen and lower abdomen, but it is not like the skin or other surface organs. When it hurts, we will feel a clear indication of the location, So it is difficult to determine whether it is uterine pain. If it is abdominal pain, there are many reasons, such as dysmenorrhea, or women's uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, corpus luteum rupture, or even ectopic pregnancy. All kinds of situations may cause abdominal pain. In addition, like pelvic inflammation, these may also cause abdominal pain. However, if the specific cause of abdominal pain and whether it is uterine pain, detailed gynecological examination and gynecological B-ultrasound are needed to be clear.

Young and frivolous 2024-04-22 11:46:18

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