How does the left back ache return a responsibility?

Clivia Ask questions on June 1, 2024-17:29:10
Recommended answer

Pain in the left back may be caused by the following reasons: First, muscle strain. For patients who often exercise or are often engaged in excessive back work, long-term activities will lead to inadequate rest and adjustment of muscles in the same part, which will lead to pain reaction. Such patients will feel pain relief after getting proper rest. 2、 Fasciitis, which is also due to changes in joint disease, is common and will be alleviated after treatment. 3、 For visceral diseases, special attention should be paid. If the patient has pancreatitis, it will lead to pain in the back of the patient. At this time, the patient needs to be treated for basic diseases according to his condition. 4、 Diseases such as ureteral calculi may also cause back pain.

Clivia 2024-06-03 11:56:57

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