What are the symptoms of pharyngitis

It's you in and out of dreams Ask questions on 2024-05-17 14:28:14
Recommended answer

The main symptom caused by pharyngitis is frequent cough, but each patient's physical condition and severity are different, so the clinical symptoms caused by pharyngitis will also have some differences. The most obvious symptom of most patients with this disease is frequent cough, and dry cough. As the disease gets worse, there will be symptoms of throat itching, dysphagia, pain in swallowing and other discomfort. Pharyngitis is mainly caused by the infection of the throat. If the infection is serious, it may even cause fever, chills, headaches and other systemic symptoms. When patients have pharyngitis related symptoms, they need to be treated by the hospital in a timely manner. They can take anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs orally, or they can take intravenous drug therapy.

It's you in and out of dreams 2024-05-20 11:21:55

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