What is the harm of Detoxifying and Beauty Nourishing Capsule

You disappeared Ask questions at 22:52:19, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

The main harm of Paidu Yangyan Capsule is to damage the spleen and stomach. Because the Detoxification and Beauty Nourishing Capsule contains laxatives, which can help people lose weight. Paidu Yangyan Capsule has the function of moistening intestines and relieving constipation, and has different effects on constipation caused by various reasons. Obesity is due to excessive energy intake, which cannot be consumed in time and then converted into fat for storage. Although Detoxification and Beauty Capsule can relieve constipation, it does not consume the excess energy of the human body, nor does it have the effect of burning fat. According to the principle of fat formation, there are two ways to lose weight: one is to reduce intake, and the other is to exercise. If you reduce your intake, there will be no excess energy converted into fat. Adherence has a certain effect on weight loss.

You disappeared 2024-05-27 10:55:51

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