What causes fast ejaculation of boys

Flowers bloom on the other side Ask questions at 12:57:15, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

There are pathological and physiological reasons for rapid ejaculation in men. If men have recently suffered from high mental pressure, poor sleep and poor physique, they may ejaculate faster during sexual life, which belongs to physiological premature ejaculation. By improving diet, regulating work and rest habits and actively exercising, they can improve the symptoms of premature ejaculation, which belongs to physiological premature ejaculation. If men have chronic prostatitis, urinary system infection, hyperplasia of prostate, hypertrophy of prostate, thyroid disease, etc., it is easy to lead to sexual life disorders during sexual life, usually manifested as premature ejaculation, too short penis erection time, or impotence due to penis erection. The symptoms can be improved only after treatment of the original disease.

Flowers bloom on the other side 2024-05-27 11:08:18

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