What medicine is most effective for mixed hemorrhoids

Mature physical and mental exhaustion Ask questions at 22:48:08, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Mixed hemorrhoids are mainly formed by the connection of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids on the dentate line. The clinical symptoms are mainly hemorrhoid prolapse, blood in stool, pain, itching, foreign body sensation, anal ptosis, etc. In terms of treatment, surgery or conservative treatment is the main way, and surgery can generally be performed through traditional surgery. Such as external stripping and internal ligation of mixed hemorrhoids or minimally invasive surgery, such as PPH, RPH, hemorrhoid injection, etc. The medication is determined according to the severity of the disease. First, you need to adjust your living habits, and at the same time, you can use some oral drugs. Such as Zhisuning Tablets, Diosmin Tablets, and local medicine; Such as Taining suppository, Taining ointment, etc., combined with fumigation and washing drugs, can help alleviate symptoms and edema.

Mature physical and mental exhaustion 2024-05-27 11:08:24

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