I don't know what to do if I take stomach medicine during pregnancy

Girl does not cry when suffering Ask questions at 12:48:58 on April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

I don't know if you took stomach medicine during pregnancy. Don't worry. Please infer whether the time of taking medicine is within two weeks after your last menstruation and the time of your roommate. If so, don't worry too much, because this period is clinically called "all or nothing" period. That is to say, when taking drugs at this period, if the drugs have an impact on the embryo, the embryo will miscarry naturally. If the drugs have no impact on the embryo, the embryo will develop healthily. So if you don't have any discomfort in these two weeks, don't worry too much. It means the embryo is healthy. But if there is abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, there is no need to protect the fetus, just let it go. In addition, if you take medicine at a time other than this period, you should consider whether the medicine you take is prohibited for pregnant women. If it is prohibited, you should make a decision after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, and try to avoid the birth of defective children.

Girl does not cry when suffering 2024-04-28 18:13:54

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