What are the reasons for cold legs

Cherry tree budding Ask questions on May 22, 2024-18:06:04
Recommended answer

One of the conditions that the lower extremities are afraid of cold is considered to be caused by arteriosclerosis obliterans of both lower extremities or prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Therefore, it is recommended to check the blood vessel color ultrasound of the lower extremities or the CT of the lumbar spine first to exclude organic diseases. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered that the kidney is deficient in yang. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the master of bone and marrow, and the kidney is in the lower focus of the human body relative to the human body, Yang qi has the function of warming. Deficiency of yang qi will lead to endogenous yin cold. Deficiency of yang qi will lead to endogenous internal cold, which will lead to cold phobia. Therefore, the Chinese patent medicine Jin Gui Shen Qi Pill or Gui Fu Di Huang Pill is generally used for treatment. If there is edema in the lower limbs, Zhenwu Tang and Wu Ling San can also be used for treatment. Usually, the lower limbs should be kept warm to avoid catching cold, and proper exercise can be taken, Strengthen local blood circulation.

Cherry tree budding 2024-05-27 10:50:58

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