What should be paid attention to in patients with acute gastroenteritis

The blue sky and white clouds Ask questions on May 28, 2024-08:35:33
Recommended answer

Patients with acute gastroenteritis should pay attention to personal hygiene, wash their hands before meals and after defecation, and disinfect the tableware. The cooked food and raw food tableware at home should be separated to avoid cross infection. It can also promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function through reasonable diet. Usually, light and digestible food is the main food, and greasy, spicy, raw and cold and other irritant food is forbidden. Milk or other dairy products and juice should be stopped to avoid diarrhea again. For patients with serious illness, liquid diet can be adopted, such as rice soup, noodle soup, broth, etc. The number of meals per day can be increased as appropriate, and after diarrhea stops, they can gradually return to normal diet.

The blue sky and white clouds 2024-06-03 12:02:39

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