What to eat to improve sperm survival rate? High quality protein food is the best

Young Ask questions at 23:55:38 on June 21, 2024
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More and more couples are unable to have children because of infertility, and infertility is not only the responsibility of women, but also more problems appear in men, such as the low survival rate of men's sperm, so what to eat to improve the survival rate of sperm?

1. Food rich in high-quality protein

Proteins contain a variety of amino acids required for human activities, which are involved in the composition of human tissue cells, including genital organs and germ cells. For example, arginine is an important raw material for spermatogenesis, and has the role of improving sexual function and eliminating fatigue. It can be seen that foods containing high-quality proteins are the first choice for improving sperm quality.

Foods rich in high-quality protein include animal protein such as poultry, eggs, meat, and bean protein.

2. Intensive food

Some Japanese scholars pointed out after research that abalone, octopus, clams, oysters, clams, snails, sea fans and other shellfish seafood contain rich amino acids and are effective intensive food. Slippery aquatic products also have a strong sperm effect, such as eels, loaches, eels, etc., which are also food to improve sperm quality.

3. Fat

Fat contains some essential fatty acids for spermatogenesis. The lack of essential fatty acids not only affects spermatogenesis, but also leads to decreased libido. Because the sex hormones (male and estrogen) in the human body are mainly converted from cholesterol in fat, the reduction of long-term vegetarian sex hormone secretion is detrimental to sexual function. Therefore, proper consumption of fatty food can not only improve sperm quality, but also help absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin E. Meat, fish and eggs contain more cholesterol, and moderate intake is conducive to the synthesis of sex hormones, especially the animal viscera itself contains sex hormones, which should be taken.

4. Supplement vitamins and trace elements related to sexual function

Zinc, vitamin A, E, and C are all related to sexual function and belong to the food to improve sperm quality. Research shows that the lack of zinc in human body will cause the decrease of sperm number, the increase of deformed sperm, and the decline of sexual and reproductive functions, even infertility. Both vitamin A and vitamin E have the effects of delaying aging and avoiding the decline of sexual function, and have good effects on sperm production and improving sperm activity. Vitamin C also plays a positive role in the maintenance of sexual function.

Young 2024-06-24 11:40:59

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