Why are there spots on both sides of the neck

Clouds passing by Ask questions at 10:29:35, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for acne on both sides of the neck. The common reasons are bad living habits, poor material of the collar, mite allergy, etc. Irregular living habits, poor sleep quality, and frequent consumption of spicy and stimulating food can all lead to acne on the body. Due to the different materials of clothes, the collar of some close fitting clothes is rough. Rubbing local skin back and forth will lead to acne. Because the bed sheets are not cleaned properly and the neck is not thoroughly cleaned, mites may breed, causing local acne. Patients with acne on both sides of the neck can reduce the occurrence of acne by regular work and rest, going to bed early and getting up early, drinking more water, wearing cotton clothes as far as possible, and paying attention to the cleanliness of the neck. At the same time, attention should be paid to avoiding excessive cleaning of the acne area, so as not to stimulate local cells to secrete more oil and aggravate the acne.

Clouds passing by 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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