What are the symptoms of urinary calculi

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The main clinical manifestation of urolithiasis depends on the location and size of urinary stones and whether it causes related obstructive manifestations. If kidney stones do not form calyces, hydronephrosis, or hydronephrosis due to falling into the ureter, there are generally no obvious symptoms and discomfort, which may be found during physical examination. If the stone is large, it may cause chronic waist pain and discomfort. If the stone falls into the ureter and causes ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis, or even urinary system infection, it may cause rapid waist pain and discomfort, as well as fever and chills. If stones enter the bladder or urethra, most of them will cause difficulty in urination, interruption of urine, etc. This is the main clinical manifestation of urinary stones.

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