How to stop eczema itching fastest

Know how to lose Ask questions at 06:58:16, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Eczema is an inflammation of the superficial dermis and epidermis caused by various internal and external factors. Clinically, the rash in the acute phase is mainly papular herpes with exudative tendency. The chronic stage is dominated by lichen like changes, with severe itching and easy recurrence. Clothes for eczema patients should be made of cotton, loose and cool, and pay attention to avoiding various suspicious pathogenic factors. Avoid eating fish, shrimp, seafood, wine and spicy and irritant food during the onset of illness, avoid excessive scalding, and use emollients after bathing to restore the barrier function of the skin. For topical drugs, appropriate ointment can be selected according to the severity and age of the disease, including topical glucocorticoid ointment or tacrolimus ointment. For patients with severe itching, you can also take loratadine, cetirizine or ebastine and other anti allergic drugs orally.

Know how to lose 2024-04-22 12:28:52

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